Doctor Soly Bensabat founder of Paris Prévention center

Soly Bensabat
Graduated from the faculty of medicine in Paris.
Former medical extern of Paris hospitals and former pediatrician converted to internal medicine.
He is a specialist in preventive medicine, anti-ageing medicine and anti-stress medicine.
Pioneer in thorough check-up in Paris. In 1979, opening of François 1er center, which has become Paris Prévention. This center is the first center for health check-up, many articles have been written on it (Les Echos, La Croix, Capital, Paris Match, ELLE, VSD,…)
Author of the latest book on prevention: « Devenez votre médecin » (become your doctor) « Ajoutez des années de santé à votre espérance de vie » (Add years of health to your life expectancy)
The bedside book of the well-being, which answers all the questions you ask yourself on what you have to do to remain healthy and prevent the risk of health accident and bad ageing.
This book gives practical advice regarding nutrition, stress management, healthy lifestyle and supplementation of antioxidants (a protection against the process of bad ageing). It also suggests periodic controls to be made in order to monitor your health
A pioneer concerning stress. As early as 1980, Doctor Soly Bensabat publishes the first books dealing with stress in France. He has participated to many TV programs and gave interviews (L’express, Le Monde…)
Doctor Bensabat was the student of Hans Selye, the very first expert regarding stress.
In 1979, Doctor Bensabat organized with him the first international congress on stress in Monaco. Several Nobel prizes of medicine participated to this congress (Professor Salk, Professor Guillemin, Professor L.Pauling and Professor Christian De Duve). After this congress, he published the first book dealing with stress « stress, de grands spécialistes répondent »
Pioneer concerning anti-ageing.
Author of « Comment atteindre 100 ans sans le regretter » (« How to reach 100 years old without regret it »)
Specialist for investigations on the factors of ageing and personalized anti-ageing prevention.
The doctor feels always sorry and often less efficient facing the “fait accompli”, once the disease is already well established. This is the reason why I chose very early medicine prevention, which is the most effective solution to prevent and neutralize the process of degradation responsible for the disease and for bad ageing.
For more than 30 years of prevention medicine and practice of thorough health checks, I can confirm today the efficiency of the prevention and the periodic check-ups of health. Thanks to those chech-ups, we managed to invert harmful processes and diminish strongly the risk of pathology and bad ageing for our patients. It is a satisfaction and a strong motivation for our patients and for ourselves.
Doctor Bensabat bibliography

- Devenez votre premier médecin aux éditions Michel Lafon (novembre 2016)
- Comment atteindre 10 ans sans le regretter édition JC Lattès
- Le stress c’est la vie édition Fixot
- Vive le stress édition Robert Lafon
- Stress, de grands spécialistes répondent édition Hachette